Herne Bay
Rooflight Jammed 8 Sept 2014
The rooflight at the stop of the stairs was found to be jammed and couldn’t be closed. Previous attempts to close it had also disengaged the push/pull bar. Brian went out onto the roof slope, removed the external trims and lubricated the pivot hinges to free them. With the bar repaired the window is working well and can be closed for the winter.
Hall Lights Working 7 Sept 2014
The front hall/lobby lights are now working. The problem was due to a faulty time delay switch in the front lobby - the one that’s used the most. This has been replaced and a new bulb fitted in the hall.
Earlier Diary entries can be viewed in the Diary Archive in the Lessees Area
TV Aerials Cleared 11 Sept 2014
All the redundant TV junk has been removed from the roof and taken to the council tip. Two of the aerials were just laying on the roof deck and a third on the stack was leaning precariously in next door’s direction. There was also a very rusty satellite dish which has gone to the tip as well. We’re not sorry to see them go as they were damaging the brickwork of the stack.
All the detritus left by the gulls has been swept up and a large nest removed. Fortunately there was no sign of the ferocious gull that had taken up residence in the summer, although a hard hat and safety specs were to hand just in case.
Broom Handle Removed 15 Sept 2014
At last, the infamous broom handle left by the builders has been removed from the main front parapet gutter. The gutter was given a good vacuuming as there was a real danger that the outlet was blocking up from all the whelk shells and other rubbish taken up there by the gulls. And sadly, natures horticultural efforts had to be removed too. Where the black seed tray came from is anybody’s guess.
One major failing of parapet gutters is that, if they block, water overflows into the house under the eaves because it cannot escape over the parapet wall. It’s happened twice before causing serious flooding in the front bedroom of the 2nd Foor Flat.
the burrs Diary
RTM Realised 5 Nov 2014
It’s a double firework celebration this year - RTM is with us at last. As of today, management of the building has been transferred from Bridgeford & Co to our own company The Burrs RTM Company Ltd.
Let’s hope we can make a major difference to the look and feel of the house in the coming year.
click photos for larger image
click photos for larger image
Fire Alarm Serviced 17 Feb 2015
To meet our statutory obligations we need to have the fire alarm system serviced at least twice yearly. KBC Fire have just carried out the first scheduled service costing £111. The following 6-monthly services will cost about the same.
The outcome of the recent service is that one of the emergency lights needs replacing at a cost of £77 inc (not unexpected after 28 years). The service highlights the fact that the system desperately needs upgrading to include wired automatic smoke detection in the common areas and heat detection within each flat. This is essential in a converted building with no external or purpose built internal fire escape. KBC’s quote for this has come out at around £3,836 inc.
Bun Penny Development Progressing 8 April 2016
It's taking shape although progress seems slow. The apartments are being advertised for sale on Rightmove and are supposed to be ready by the summer.
Despite some reservations about its size, it promises to be a prestigious building having been designed by Whitstable architects Ian Barber and Associates. It should be good for Herne Bay and property values along Central Parade.
Ian Barber says that he has designed a building of our time rather than a Victorian pastiche.
Phase 1 Roof Repairs Completed Oct 2016
Phase 1 of the remedial work to the SW corner of the roof has been completed by Ballman Roofing Contractors. We have to thank the residents of No.45 for allowing scaffolding to stand in their car park, especially Charlie Tillbrook whose parking was most affected.
The before and after photos show the vast improvement in renewing and waterproofing the valleys and parapet. Ballman used a Sikalastic 618 membrane, a GRP material that is durable, flexible and breathable. It's manufactured by Sika of Switzerland.
The test will be whether the bucket on the stairs stays dry over the next few months.
Water Meters Come a Step Closer 2 July 2017
Looks like Clancy Docwra have made a neat job of making provision for the water meters for South East Water. Until now they were always saying that we couldn't have meters due to the limitations of the underground pipework, but they seem to have overcome the problems. At the moment only the meter for Flat 4 has been installed, with the others presumably to follow.
Metering will be compulsory for South East Water customers as the Government has classed the South East as an area of serious water stress.
Apparently you won't need to submit readings, as the meters will be read twice yearly by the company. Meter readers won't need to lift the cover to take a visual reading, they simply drive by and the reading registers on their equipment.
Your water meter is also used to calculate the amount of waste water you return to the sewerage system. However, a reduction of 7.5% is made to allow for water you use in the garden, remains in your clothes when you remove them from the washing machine, or is lost through evaporation.
Blocked Downpipe 2 Dec 2017
We had to call in Dam High Access with their cherry picker to clear a blockage at the top of the staircase downpipe and to clean all the guttering at the back of the house. Dam High last came in about 3 years ago, although the staircase guttering was cleaned only last year by Ballman Roofing. The blockage was caused by gull and pigeon nesting material and other detritus being washed into the gutter and downpipe. We must call in Dam High more often, at least on an annual basis judging by the amount of debris they collected.
Front Gateway Made Safe 3 Dec 2017
The top section of the left-hand pillar was leaning so badly that it was decided to remove it before it toppled and possibly caused injury. Rowena and John very kindly dealt with the problem, and spent considerable time and effort removing the brickwork and taking the rubble to the local Council recycling centre. The intention in the spring is to lower the other side to the same level, repair the brickwork, and possibly top both off with capping stones similar to those next-door at No.45.
Fire at No.45 Central Parade 19 Nov 2017
Five residents were taken to hospital following a fire next-door at 45 Central Parade at 3am in the morning. Four residents were thought to be suffering from the effects of smoke inhalation, while one was treated for minor burns to their hands.
Firefighters were called after smoke and fumes left one person unable to leave their flat. Two fire crews attended, and wearing breathing apparatus quickly entered the premises and led people to safety, before tackling the blaze.
Apparently the fire was caused by the resident of the 1st Floor Flat going to bed leaving food cooking in the oven.
This incident highlights the need for good fire prevention and fire warning provision.
No.41 Central Parade Nears Completion 9 Jan 2019
Another substantial development following on from the Bun Penny and Herne Court is nearing completion. It boasts 13 luxury flats all with a parking space.
Plans can be viewed online in the Planning Section of the Canterbury Council website Ref: CA//17/02017
Jet Skis Brought Under Control Spring 2021
Love them or hate them roaring around opposite The Burrs, the feeling is that jet skiers represent a danger to themselves and other water users if their numbers are excessive, and they are not observing safety rules either through lack of training or shear irresponsibilty.
To improve water safety at Neptune's Jetty, Canterbury Council are introducing a licensing scheme in the early spring. The proposal seems to be to charge Jet skiers an annual fee of £150 to launch at the jetty, and ensure that they have a competency certificate in handling their craft.
Hallways & Stairs Completely Refurbished March 2019
The interior common parts have had a complete makeover. Precise Decorating carried out all the painting work, and Carpetright supplied the carpeting. Natural Hessian emulsion was chosen for the walls to provide a neutral but warm ambience.
A new state-of-the-art wireless fire alarm system was installed by Hades.
A new rear entrance door and the replacement of 2 of the stone steps completed the project.
Oriel Window Emergency Renovation Nov 2023
Towards the end of last summer the Oriel window, an important architectural feature of The Burrs, was looking very sorry for itself - the sill was becoming detached from the upper part of the window, and the coving below was cracked and in danger of falling on the balcony and portico below. When the window was opened up much of the supporting timber work was found to be rotten and had to be replaced. The renovation has been extensive and it’s now structurally sound and looking very hansome.
Major Works Start Feb 2024
Scaffolding goes up to finally deal with the roof leaks, the leaning stack, and repointing most of the rear and side elevations. The work is well overdue and it is fortunate that good reliable tradesmen have been found that are sympathetic to the needs of the building, and are prepared to use traditional building materials such as lime mortar.
An important component of a successful job is project management, and fortunately one of the RTM team has successfully taken on this role and is engaging tradesman and supervising the work
Freehold Comes Home Jan 2024
Leaseholders finally acquire the freehold of The Burrs In January 2024. This came about because, out of the blue, a company called 44 Central Parade Ltd announced they had acquired the freehold of the building. This rang alarm bells to the extent that the leaseholders decided that the best course of action was to join together and claim the freehold under enfranchisement legislation.
At last the freehold has come in-house and its acquisition marks a new era in the fortunes of The Burrs. The RTM are optimistic about moving forward with the long overdue major works to the roof and rear elevations of the building, to deal with the serious rainwater leaks and penetrating dampness that are damaging and spoiling the internal decoration of the upper flats and the communal stairway.
The Burrs 44 Central Parade, Herne Bay, Kent CT6 5HZ