RTM Responsibilities
Our RTM company has to take its responsibilities seriously as failure to do so will impact on the success of the company, may have legal consequences, and will adversely affect the value of all the flats in the building.
When our Right to Manage company took over management of The Burrs from the freeholder's managing agent, the following rights and responsibilities were transferred under The Commonhold & Leasehold reform Act 2002:
1. Collecting service charges from leaseholders in accordance with legislation and terms of the lease.
2. Instructing and assisting the 1st-tier Tribunal Service and solicitors in recovering unpaid charges.
3. Authorising payments to contracters from the RTM reserve fund held at Lloyds Bank.
4. Producing annual, 5 and 10 year spending estimates to calculate service charges and contributions to a Reserve Fund.
5. Producing and circulating service charge accounts.
6. Administering buildings and other insurances.
7. Arranging periodic Health & Safety checks and assessments, and maintaining the fire alarm system to comply with government regulations.
8. Inspecting the building regularly to identify problems needing repair.
9. Initiating Section 20 consultations when major works are required.
10. Dealing with enquiries from leaseholders and from their solicitor's during the sale of a flat.
11. Advising on day-to-day management policy.
12. Obtaining quotations for cleaning the common parts, and monitoring the cleaning arrangements.
13. Enforcing the leasehold covenants. Notifying the freeholder of any breaches.
14. Granting approvals for structural modifications to a flat, and permissions relating to activities that may infringe the restrictive covenants.
Notifying the freeholder that approvals and permissions have been granted.
15. Resolving disputes between lessees if they impact upon health & safety and the common parts of the building.
16. Holding directors meetings and AGM's as detailed in the Articles of Association.
17. Filing an annual return and accounts at Companies House.
Note: The RTM is not responsible for the collection of ground rents and applying to the courts for forfeiture of a lease if a lessee is in breach of the leasehold covenants. The freeholder, David Cannon Properties, reserves these rights.